Metaverse Mod Squad is Now ModSquad

After months of planning and preparation, I’m very pleased to announce that Metaverse Mod Squad is now officially ModSquad (  Bear with me as I go on a small trip down memory lane.

Back in 2007, we started Metaverse Mod Squad as Avatar Staffing for Virtual Worlds. Pretty cool stuff. We ran The CW’s Gossip Girl virtual world in Second Life, planning parties, helping n00bs, and starring in machinisodes, playing Dan, Serena, Blair, and the whole gang. We acted as the virtual bodyguards for then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich when he gave his first speech in a virtual world; it landed us on CNN that night when a scantily clad avatar decided to hold a mini protest. Our cool Mods in their ’60s go-go boots and black trench coats worked as virtual street teams and promoted online appearances by stars of Cinemax After Dark. To say those were fun and exciting times is an understatement, especially for a Silicon Valley attorney like myself.

August 2007 websiteThe qualifier “Metaverse,” first coined in the science fiction novel Snow Crash, where humans interacted as avatars in a three-dimensional virtual space, was a nod to our early focus on virtual worlds. But we quickly expanded our digital engagement services to e-commerce, video games, technology, and mobile clients. While our services, clients, and worldwide reach has drastically ballooned over the years, the heart of our company — our cool, kick-ass, savvy, talented, fun group of Mods — are still, in essence, that same black-clothed Squad from 2007.

We Are Mods 2015 WebsiteSo with the acquisition of the web domain, we were able to put the focus squarely back on that amazing squad of Mods, still so faithful, fun, and true. Those qualities are vital for us as a company, but, more importantly, they’re always on display in the great work the Mods do for our clients.


And I love the new logo! Evocative of the red roundel, blue bar, and white font we used as our mark for more than eight years, it introduces the ModSquad name with a distinct mid-century typeface reminiscent of romantic typewriters and the lost art of epistolary (Mike came up with that word) correspondence. It also substitutes the circle of our logo for a red conversation bubble, to represent the communications our Mods undertake every day for companies and online communities.

So that’s our big announcement! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, send them to our new super-short and easy-to-type-out e-mail address: [email protected]

CEO of ModSquad


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Talk Back

Steve monaco
Posted on November 17, 2015

New logo reminds me of the London Underground… Was that intentional?

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